

I’m here for the EVERYDAY GAL.

This also isn’t the place for any negative self-talk, that doesn’t fly here. I’m here to teach you how to look, but more importantly FEEL amazing in the body you have NOW. Oh, and you don’t need a zillion dollars to do it.

When we shop, you are going to learn all about MAXIMIZING. Stop wasting your money on clothes you either don’t wear at all or only wear one way. I don’t know if you heard, but money doesn’t grow on trees (ughhhhh, I wish). 

When I’m not having a blast doing this, I’m running my online boutique, Nayna, meant to lift females up in every single body shape and running my all female dental practice, Niverville Heritage Dental Centre (Surprise! I’m a dentist! Betcha you didn’t see that one coming). I’m a mom, wife, daughter, aunt, and bestie.

Enough about me. Whether you’re looking for a total wardrobe rehaul, a revamp, a Mama looking to get her groove back, or just wanting to do something for YOU for once, I’m your girl. Have I passed the test? If so, welcome, I am now officially your hype girl, and if I don’t say so myself, I’m a darn good one. Contact me and let’s get this party started.

You are amazing. Now start dressing like it.